Saturday, March 03, 2012


Gracias por tomar tiempo en preguntar algo razonable. Hare lo mejor que pueda para darte la respuesta.

"si se supone que ya nos salvo, porque entonces existe sufrimiento a nuestro alrededor,"
Porque si no hubiese sufrimiento entonces no haría sentido el que Jesus muriera por ti en la cruz del Calvario hace 2000 años. Nadie en el mundo es salvo hasta que viene a Cristo con un corazón arrepentido y creyendo que Jesus es el Hijo de Dios. El sufrimiento viene a consecuencia del pecado. La muerte es el resultado del pecado lo cual es una consecuencia a causa de nuestra propia mala decisión.

"me diras porque nosotros somos culpables,"
Bueno, y de quien mas va a ser? Nosotros somos los unicos que vivimos en este planeta. A quien mas debemos culpar? El pecado entra por el hombre y se proyecta en nuestro alrededor. Nuestras decisiones son la causa del caos que vive este mundo.

"dime un niño que apenas nace y muere de hambre fue lo suficiente pecador para padecer esos sufrimientos"
Todos somos pecadores. "No hay justo, ni aun uno; No hay quien entienda, No hay quien busque a Dios. Todos se desviaron, a una se hicieron inútiles; No hay quien haga lo bueno, no hay ni siquiera uno." -Romanos 3:10-12
Hoy día muchos mueren de hambre por la falta de compasión que tienen otras personas. Dios permite esas cosas, para que personas como tu, que se preocupan tanto por los demas, compartan lo que Dios les ha dado con los que no tienen, pero por lo que veo, siguen muriendo mas y mas.

"y no me vengas con que se fue a cielo, porque tan solo porque el niño no crea se va al infierno,"
Un niño es humilde de corazón. Nace y muere pecador, pero redimido, es excusado del pecado, porque su conciencia (con-conocimiento) practicamente no ha sido desarrollada para saber que es bueno y malo. Hay un cierto punto en la vida donde el ser humano reconoce que mentir robar, adulterar, blasfemar el nombre de Dios, etc., es malo, entonces es ahí donde la persona comienza a descubrir que los malos motivos ejercitan la conciencia, que es donde Dios ha escrito Sus Mandamientos, para alertarnos antes de cometer la transgresión/es (Exodo 20), de esa forma, a esa edad en especifico, decide escoger el bien o el mal. La intención del corazón es lo que cuenta para Dios. Cual es tu intención, obedecer a Dios u obedecer lo que dicen tus deseos? Un niño, con conciencia fresca, no guarda reencor, envidia, celos, contiendas, rebeldia, adulterio, etc., eso solo es conducta aprendida de los padres y de este mundo lleno de maldad.
Este es un articulo que te ayudará a expandir la respuesta sobre los niños: Edad-Conciencia

"donde está tu salvador?"
Esta a la diestra del Padre esperando a que te tornes a El para darte salvación.

"y que realmente salvo y solucionó?"
16 Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
17 Porque no envió Dios a su Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, sino para que el mundo sea salvo por él.
 18 El que en él cree, no es condenado; pero el que no cree, ya ha sido condenado, porque no ha creído en el nombre del unigénito Hijo de Dios.
19 Y esta es la condenación: que la luz vino al mundo, y los hombres amaron más las tinieblas que la luz, porque sus obras eran malas.
20 Porque todo aquel que hace lo malo, aborrece la luz y no viene a la luz, para que sus obras no sean reprendidas.
21 Mas el que practica la verdad viene a la luz, para que sea manifiesto que sus obras son hechas en Dios.
-Juan 3:16-21

"Por que no mejor en ves de sacrificarse simplemente cambio todo si es omnipotente?"
No tengo idea, porque Dios lo sabe todo (Omnisciente). En algun lugar de la Biblia debe haber algo que tenga que hablar de eso, pero sinceramente no tengo esa respuesta. Dejemos que Dios sea quien nos cuente en aquel glorioso dia.

Lo ultimo que deseo dejar contigo es la verdad. La gran cantidad de 150,000 personas mueren a diario por causa de una enfermedad incurable que se llama muerte. Tu estas en espera de ese momento como todo lo que nos rodea esta en espera de ella tambien. Solo tu decides a donde quieres ir, hay dos lugares mencionados en la Palabra de Dios, Cielo e Infierno.
Probablemente diras que iras al cielo, porque eres una buena persona. Este simple video te ayudará a ver la gracia de Dios en acción: Prueba de Buena Persona

Espero que esto te haya ayudado contestando tus preguntas.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

FREE 180 Movie is Released!!!

Watch the most shocking award-winning documentary ever seen, for FREE.
For more information or to order “180″ on DVD, please go to:
"This short documentary has totally rocked my world this week. PLEASE check it out…I dare you to watch 180."
~ Mark Hall, Lead Singer, Casting Crowns
~ Joni Eareckson Tada
~ Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar
TLC's 19 Kids and Counting
"Extremely convicting. It made me question my courage. I pray it causes many to evaluate their silence."
~ Francis Chan
"I give my unflinching, joyful, trembling Yes to '180.'Unflinching, because it's right. Joyful, because it's good. Trembling, because this our defeated enemy is still vicious."
~ John Piper, Pastor for Preaching and Vision
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Click here to LISTEN to the first 2 minutes of Frank Pastore on his radio program, "The Intersection of Faith and Reason."
~ Frank Pastore
The Intersection of Faith and Reason

You can also help promote “180″ by contacting your local media (radio/TV, etc.) and telling them that a new award-winning movie is out where eight people who are adamantly pro-abortion, change their minds and become pro-life in a matter of seconds…because they were asked one question.
Direct them to and tell them to request an interview with Ray. An entire interview has been pre-recorded so that we never have to turn down any station, no matter how small it is or how many come in. They also have written interviews and video clips from “180.” Make sure you direct the media to: Audra Jennings, Senior Media Specialist, The B&B Media Group, 1-800-927-0517  (Ext. 104),

Monday, September 12, 2011

We moved!!!

We have a new home in Wordpress. Please feel free to stop by and receive the Word of God with a new interface. God bless all. See you there.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hitler or Chaplin?

No, is not Hitler you silly. This man is Sir Charlie Chaplin. I have found this clip in youtube and it just surprised me. I have never heard any comedian say things like this.

“The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” -Luke 17:20-21

Monday, March 28, 2011

Liz Taylor, $600 Million, and God - By Ray Comfort

RayComfort.jpgRecently, death didn’t just come near to Liz Taylor. This time it took her. Death is the ultimate level playing field for all of us. Her fame and $600,000,000 fortune couldn’t hold off its inevitable, cold hand.

There was once a famous and sobering song called “Is That All There Is?” It was sung by Peggy Lee and had haunting words about the futility of life—how humanity experiences life’s fleeting pleasures, but they soon fade. The song’s conclusion didn’t offer God as the solution. Instead it recommended hedonism, before death grabs us and pulls us from this precious life. It suggests that we “break out the booze and have a ball / if that’s all there is.”

The composer spoke about how the now deceased Peggy Lee recorded it without any changes to his original composition, which he said was very unusual. Of course, it’s just a matter of time until he follows Peggy and Liz out of this world into the next.

I have asked many people if they are afraid of dying. The question is a powerful pride-meter. Proud people are quick to say they are not afraid, but I know better. I have a Book that tells me that all of us are held captive to the fear of death until we come to the Savior (see Hebrews 2:14,15). Skeptics may say they’re not fearful because they believe that death is the end. But they know no such thing because they have no authoritative information upon which to base their claim.

I admire anyone who is honest enough to admit a fear of death—I even respect Charlie Sheen for his honesty about his fears. When asked, “Are you afraid to die?” he answered, “Who isn’t? It’s the greatest trip because they save it for last. You know…deep. It sucks that I have to do it too. I don’t know…Heaven and Hell, whatever. I just think it’s different dimensions. You walk through different doors. Who knows? I don’t know.”

Charlie didn’t know, and none of us can until we take seriously the words of the One who came to destroy death: “I am he that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death” (Revelation 1:18). Liz Taylor was right about being close to God anywhere. But the question on Judgment Day won’t be how close we were to Him, but did we have peace with Him? Jesus alone holds the keys of Hell and death. The moment we repent and trust solely in Him, we come to know the truth and the truth makes us free…free from its tormenting fear, and free from its terrible power.

Read from the Source of Article

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Author Accuses Church of Selling Catholics Short

BELLFLOWER, Calif., Feb. 9, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- According to best-selling author Ray Comfort, the Catholic church has "messed up" with the Ten Commandments on their new confessional iPhone app. Comfort, who emphasizes the Ten Commandments in his TV program and his books, maintains that the Catholic church has omitted one important Commandment. He challenges anyone to check out the Roman Catholic Bible in Exodus 20: "You will see that they have dropped the Second Commandment for their iPhone app, then split the last Commandment into two to keep the count at ten. The purpose of the Ten Commandments is to tell us what is right and what is wrong, so how will Catholics know right from wrong if one Commandment has been deleted?"

According to the Ten Commandments listed in, the Second Commandment is "You shall not make yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them..." Comfort asks, "How can sincere Catholics know that God Himself forbids the bowing down to any carved image of anything on earth or in heaven? This would include images of dead saints, angels, and images of Jesus and Mary. I think those who created the app should be held accountable and explain the omission."

For years Comfort's ministry has taught that the biblical purpose of the Commandments is similar to that of a mirror. "They reveal to us that we are sinners, that we are unclean, so that we will go to the water of God's mercy for forgiveness. Most people are trying to earn their way to Heaven, but the Commandments show us that we are all guilty. The only way we can be saved from a very real hell is by trusting in God's mercy which was extended at the cross. The Bible teaches that eternal life is a free gift of God, not something we earn by keeping the Ten Commandments."

Ray Comfort co-hosts "
The Way of the Master" television program, with actor, Kirk Cameron. See for details of their ministry.

CONTACT: Trisha Ramos, 1-800-437-1893,, for Ray Comfort

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Facts?

Scientists will talk about all kinds of different speculations ("facts") about evolution. They can't find a transitional fossil to show to the public, but their only fact is a theory and a bunch of pages full of drawings. It will always be a debate between creationists and evolutionists to prove what's right. Only one side have the truth, both cannot be right. I heard once that evolution is the fairy tale for grown ups, and it's so true. There has been many changes of mind through the years that we just get tired to see the books updating with new data every year and who knows if changes every 6 months, who knows. What I know is that it is not a stable theory, but they keep pushing it as a requirement in schools and universities to bury Christianity in the dirt, at least their trying, but obviously that will never happen.
Here are some interesting articles to give you a sense of direction about reality. You decide to choose reality from fiction. If there was no God then there would be no questions, a brain to think, eyes to see and a creation to contemplate. You be the judge: