Sunday, July 06, 2008

The Rapture...

Cause and effect. Sin and consequences. The moral Law from the Bible leaves us helpless, it's the mirror of our soul, but the gospel of Jesus Christ erases all the sins of the world. If you repent by turning away from your sins, having faith on Him you will never perish in hell. The Bible gives us the truth, but we want to walk blind when morality and Jesus comes alive in the picture. Why? Because Jesus condemn those who loves sin. The pleasures of life, a way that leads to hell. No one likes to hear or read when a real Christian tells someone is a sinner. The Law it's already written in our hearts and those who know that lying, stealing, blaspheming, adulterating & dishonoring their parents is bad knowing they have a conscious. Unfortunately many Christians and un-Christians are blind in sin. I am not judging humanity, but the Bible does. Be really careful of what you love, because love is passion, and passion could lead you to the worst thing of your eternal life, the wrath of God. Be ready. If you are not sure of your salvation make sure you send an email to, and talk to me. We will find the way to help you conquer God's attention. GBU.

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